Payroll & Tax Filing Services in Laredo, TX

Gather your payroll data and report it to us by phone, fax or e-mail. The payroll is processed, printed and packaged based on the services you have selected. The reports are easy to read and the checks are ready for signature. Additional services such as signatures scan and payroll delivery are available upon request.
Automated Payroll — Salary Payroll Detail in Laredo, TX
Tax Filling
Federal Tax Deposits 941 and 940 can be made electronically (EFTPS). The Internal Revenue Services is no longer accepting federal tax deposits by check using the form 8109.

Quarter-End form 941 is printed, packaged and ready for signature. The Texas Workforce Commission report is printed and packaged along with the coupon and the state check. The original reports are filled with the state online.

Year-End form 940 is prepared, packaged and ready for signature. The forms W-2 and W-3 are filed online with the Social Security Administration.

Direct Deposit
Reduce the stress on payday. No more signing checks or the inconvenience of lost or stolen checks. Employees no longer have to wait in long lines to cash checks. The money is in their account on payday, whether they are sick or on vacation. Employees can split their pay into as many as four different bank accounts.
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